A Statement from the Salesians of Don Bosco USA West regarding the recent actions and policies of the U.S. Government on several issues
Full Statement
Agents of HopeA Statement from the Salesians of Don Bosco USA West regarding the recent actions and policies of the U.S. Government on several issuesFull Statement/agents-of-hope_self
WelcomeWho are the Salesians of Don Bosco?About/salesians-of-don-bosco-1_self
Salesian FamilyThe Salesian Family Groups live in communion with each other, share the same spirit, and with specifically distinct vocations, continue the mission Don Bosco began.Learn More/salesian-family_self
Our Mission
To educate and provide opportunities for young people – especially the poorest and most at-risk – to help them become upright-contributing members of society; people of good faith and values. ABOUT OUR EDUCATIVE PASTORAL SYSTEM
Feast Day: February 7 – Future Pope as Missionary – Giovanni Maria Mastai Ferretti (Pio IX) was the ninth child of Count Girolamo and Caterina Sollazzi. He was born in Senigallia on May 13, 1792...
(Laredo, Texas) – The Salesian parish of San Luis Rey in Laredo, Texas, came alive with joy and gratitude as the community gathered to celebrate St. John Bosco, the beloved father and teacher of...
(ANS – Nice) – On the evening of February 6, 2025, Fr. Alfred Maravilla, General Councillor for the Missions, with all the members of the Sector team, gave a talk in a family setting to...
(ANS – Lima) – Twelve years and one day ago, on February 6, 2013, the Servant of God Fr. Luis (Luigi) Bolla, a Salesian missionary known among the indigenous Achuar people as ‘Yankuam’ (a word in the...
By Fr. Ed Liptak, SDB We concentrate this 5th Sunday on our Christian calling and mission, and we turn for help to Isaiah, spokesperson of the Lord. His call and mission can remind us of our own call...
Por P. Ed Liptak, SDB Nos concentramos este 5º domingo en nuestra vocación y misión cristiana, y nos dirigimos en busca de ayuda a Isaías, portavoz del Señor. Su llamado y misión pueden recordarnos...
By Fr. Shijumon Thottupurathu, SDB – Reflection In English To become Holy in the sight of God, at first we need to Listen to God. Through his call, he purifies us and then prepares us to leave...
By JC Montenegro, PhD (Richmond, California) – Salesian College Preparatory in Richmond, California, welcomed the Provincial Youth Ministry Team for a dynamic and meaningful pastoral visit from...